

A Child Can Learn Any Language

Getting to start!
1. Native speakers may often tell peo-ple who are learning English to “slow down” and to “speak clearly.” This is meant with the best of intentions, but it exactly the opposite of what a student really needs to do.


If you speak fairly quickly and with strong intonation, you will be understood more easily. (Nếu bạn nói khá nhanh và ngữ điệu mạnh, người ta sẽ hiểu bạn dễ dàng hơn.)

2. By seeing and hearing simultaneously, you’ll learn to reconcile the differences between the appearance of English( spelling) and the sound of English( Pronunciation and the other aspects of accent). ( Bằng cách nghe và nhìn đồng thời, bạn sẽ dung hòa những điểm khác biệt giữa cách viết và cách phát âm...)

3. Your accent is not bad; it is nonstandard to the American ear.

4. Instead of thinking of each word as a unit, think of sound units.

(Thay vì nghĩ về mỗi từ như một đơn vị, hãy nghĩ về các đơn vị âm) Ex: Bob is on the phone/ [ba:biza:thefoun] ) Mean: Your eye doesn't see. Your brain see.

5. A Child Can Learn Any Language
Every sound of every language is within every child. So, what happens with adults? People learn their native lan-guage and stop listening for the sounds that they never hear, then they lose the ability to hear those sounds. You can’t speak what you never heard before.

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